Lenten Program details Program Title: Learning to Pray during Lent Program Subtitle: A Lenten Prayer Experience with the Los Angeles Retreat Center Community Please join us this Lent for a series of prayer learning experiences designed and hosted by the Los Angeles Retreat Center Community. The series will be offered online and will include an introduction to popular prayer forms to be encountered during the Lenten spiritual journey. These will include: a short history and introduction of the prayer forms and specific sessions on Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, and the Labyrinth – or prayer-in-motion. In addition, each retreat center will have its retreat leaders guide each session, providing a Lenten flavor and the opportunity to journey with the retreat leaders in the prayerful discussion. The sessions will be one-hour in length, held weekly on Thursday at 7:30 pm. You can register here and attend any or all of the sessions. Click here to register The program is offered without a fee, but we welcome free will donations to offset the center’s costs to create and present the program.
Lenten Reflections: Part One—Overview of Prayer forms Thursday, Feb 23, 7:30-8:30pm Hosted by all Los Angeles retreat centers, introductions by Dr. Michael Cunningham, with brief descriptions of coming-weeks’ prayer programs by retreat center leaders. The evening will include Lenten Vespers, followed by an opportunity for large-group sharing.
Lenten Reflections: Part Two—Centering Prayer Thursday March 2, 2023 7:30-8:30 pm Centering prayer is often called the Prayer of Consent, as it represents our willingness to be open to God. A willingness that is without agenda or needs, just a desire to rest in God’s presence. This session will provide an introduction to Centering Prayer led by Dr. Michael Cunningham OFS, a certified Centering Prayer instructor from Contemplative Outreach, and will provide background, method and practice.
Hosted by Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center
Lenten Reflections: Part Three—Lectio Divina Thursday March 9, 2023 7:30-8:30 pm This presentation will examine the tradition of Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina means Sacred Reading of God’s Word. I will offer several passages from the Bible that you may consider for future references. Tonight, we will be looking at the Upper Room Experience, where Jesus called his disciples together to celebrate the Last Supper. We will read this text three times and meditated upon it. Questions will be provided for shared reflections. Then consider how this impacts our life and does it move us to some activity that will help build up the Kingdom of God. Hosted by Fr. Charlie Smiech, OFM Hosted by Serra Retreat Center
Lenten Reflections: Part Four—Visio Divina Thursday, March 16, 7:30-8:30pm The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches have a long tradition of the use of icons. Gazing at an icon of Christ, Mary, the Trinity, or one of the saints puts us in contact with the One who gazes back at us. The practice of Visio Divina or Holy Gazing can extend beyond the world of icons to pieces of fine art or the natural world. Everything in creation is an image of the Invisible God. This evening's session will explore the history and use of icons, art, and nature to experience different aspects of God and will include a practice of Visio Divina.